Saturday, April 19, 2008

Democrats and the Web

As elections approach the mailbox of million of Americans begin to fill up and the phones cant stop ringing. The democrats have decided to change that with the 2008 elections, Hillary and Obama have taken the best advantage of the Internet to communicate with their followers and to gain new public. Videos on youtube and information sent to emails have been a huge part of their success in their 08 campaigns."For millions of Americans, the Internet has turned presidential politics into a fully interactive event, a chance to give money with mouse clicks and to volunteer virtually from miles away. And the Democrats have used these tools to produce historic results". I think that the use of social networks on the web has increased the advantage of this politicians to communicate more effectively with their followers. Donating for campaigns with the click of a mouse is easier than ever, and at the same time you become more informed on their positions and their personal ideas. I have watched tons of videos on youtube of Hillary's and Obama's speeches given at college campuses, such as the one given recently at UT. Facebook and MySpace have also served to great groups and to support their political leaders. They have created a space in which the public can express their ideas and ask questions as well. This interaction between the communities helps us to make an informed decision on the day of voting for the next presidential election.,9171,1731879,00.html?cnn=yes

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This year's presidential race is more than interesting and captivating on so many levels. Aside from who's running, it's about how they are running. The presidential candidates and their campaign staffs have had to delve into the online sphere and employ all kinds of new campaigning strategies. There are so many opportunities online that they should take advantage of as many new forms of communication as they can. Keeping up with the candidates websites, social networking profiles, and blogs has definitely been interesting and informative. Props to the candidates that have made significant strides in this sphere. Of the three, however, Obama has definitely done more and has done it better.