Monday, February 18, 2008 to Sixth Grade!

Oh my God!!! After reading this article I could only think REVENGE OF THE NERDS! I mean seriuosly are the people who came up with this website in sixth grade? I can't imagine who would take the time of day to create a website and start gossiping on other peoples business. I think we have enough scoop with celebrities such as Britney and ohhh Britney.
The article states that a student at Cornell University found on the juicycampus website a filthy passage about his sexual exploits. A transfer student had been humilated on the site with barely a week after arriving to the university. Supported by advertising and free to use by virtually anybody, JuicyCampus is a website destined and for the soul purpose of posting gossip. Some of the major threads include "campus hook-ups", "who's popular", "who's overweight","top ten freshman sluts" and even "the Jews ruin this school".
This shows you how technology and social networking can make you or break you. You can become popular by posting a funny video on youtube, and have your 5 minutes of fame. Or you can be talked about in a gossip website and have your reputation go down the drain. I still can't understand how people that you would expect to be intelligent and trying to learn something good in school would use their abilities in social networking to destroy other people. Freedom of Speech is a right in America, but everything has a limit and specially when you are using that right in order to harm other people.

1 comment:

pssst.. said...

This almost sounds like the show Gossip Girl. Society has made it even easier for gossip to travel. As if tabloid magazines didn't make news travel fast, we've figured out a faster way. An example of this is the Heath Ledger news about his death. An hour after his death almost everyone knew about this tragedy. I remember being in Professor Schultz's class and a classmate received a text message about this news. And then soon enough, a couple more students received texts about this. News literally travels fast.