Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Facebook Rocks the Vote

Facebook did it again folks. Rock the Vote created a facebook group in which people can join and be encourage to actually give their vote for this years presidential elections. Rock the vote always uses popular culture icons and music to get in touch with young teens, but using facebook as a social network in order to reach their target audience is genius. More than 25,000 people have joined the group already. Kat Barr, the director of Rock the Vote stated "It has huge potential for young people to get their friends to register. It's about us giving them the tools to organize it." The expectations of Rock the Vote is that this message gets across all teen facebook users. I think facebook is a great way to inform your public, and people can associate with other and even make comments on their political learders. This is a good example of how teens today are drifting more from their tv's to their laptops. It was just 4 years ago when we saw P Diddy and all those ads showing on MTV about Rock the Vote. Our lives revolve around social networking ,we can make friends, find common interests, and even debate on politics.

1 comment:

pssst.. said...

Facebook is definitely a good approach to voting. I know for a fact that there are many college voters that aren't registered for the simple fact that they don't know what the candidates are fighting for, let alone who the candidates are. The decrease in voting among college students will continue to decline until voting organizations take charge and go to campuses to encourage voting, or maybe even making it easier to access voting booths. Before the internet and online polls, many viewers were uneasy about voting for someone that they heard nothing about so the concluding decision was to not vote at all. That mentality has trickled down to my fellow college peers.